On behalf of the Pop Art

Auftragsmalerei Pop Art Ali Görmez
Auftragsmalerei Pop Art Ali Görmez

Commissioned art works by Ali Görmez

Whatever your everyday life may look like, with works by the artist Ali Görmez you bring sun, light and colorful joy into your life. The painter likes to design everything that can be designed.


Whether fabrics, ceramics, paper, canvas or house facades, the artist loves to be able to pass on his joie de vivre to you.

Simply make an appointment by phone or in person with Ali Görmez in his gallery, Osbili.

After the initial discussion, the artist will prepare a draft for you. If it agrees with your ideas, it will be implemented promptly by Ali Görmez.

Bring your extraordinary art, with the highest standards into your life. Your desired work of art will inspire you so much that you will no longer want to do without it.

Excerpts from past commissioned art work

Berlin Bear

“The cobra and the birds”


“David Bowie”   &   “Pop-art birthday cake ”    

Ambassador of Preace – the Eddy 

Living Levels Berlin